Robert Stacy McCain: Neo-Confede…what!

Robert Stacy McCain can’t make up his mind on whether I am a “Jihadist concern troll” or an atheist, “dogmatic Randian.” While he ponders the equally plausible alternatives, I dig through his past writings.

From the archives of The Other McCain emerges this nugget of information:

James M. McPherson—the renowned civil-war historian, former president of the American Historical Association, and editor of the Encyclopedia Britannica—designates the Sons of the Confederate Veterans as a Neo-Confederate organization:

I think, I agree a 100% … about the motives or the hidden agenda, not too, not too deeply hidden I think of such groups as the United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Sons of Confederate Veterans. They are dedicated to celebrating the Confederacy and rather thinly veiled support for white supremacy.

Meanwhile, from Stacy:

Kejda Gjermani, while keenly intelligent, is yet only 26 and deficient in the hard experience of life and long decades of study that might qualify her to dictate what are the appropriate “components of Americanism.”

Kejda Gjermani is only 23 years old, as one lesbian detective has recently uncovered, and she needs no more than common sense to feel qualified to name a few inappropriate components of Americanism—tribalism, religious supremacism, and white nationalism are among them.

Author: Kejda

Born: Tirana, Albania Residing: New York, NY University of Waterloo, Economics '08

21 thoughts on “Robert Stacy McCain: Neo-Confede…what!”

  1. I think Crypto-racists are more dangerous than open racists.

    A flat-out racist is easy to spot- he still uses all the offensive racial terms (the N-word, etc.), he has a KKK bumper sticker on his pickup truck, he belongs to organizations that proudly exclude Jews and blacks.

    But of course, there aren’t many of THOSE folks any more. Does that mean racism is a thing of the past? Hardly. Many people still harbor the old attitudes but have learned to couch their prejudices in more pleasant-sounding language, while using certain “code” words to express their old, racist beliefs.

    They uses phrases like “states’ rights,” or “preserving neighborhoods,” or “getting tough on crime,” or “getting deadbeats off welfare,” etc.
    .-= Mark´s last blog ..Threadless Tshirt Giveaway at =-.

    1. Of course… it’s called evolution by natural selection. And it’s disgraceful that bigots employ as their euphemism phrases and memes that are perfectly valuable in and of themselves. I too am an advocate of state rights, and take a tough-on-crime and anti-welfare stance. Now I have to go out of my way to point out to people that I’m no Neanderthal, and my cigar is just a cigar–that I enjoy for its own sake.

  2. Kejda –

    Keep it up. Amazing how a moron who has made a career of judging people and posting windbag essays full of strawmen interwoven with irrelevancies seems intent on requiring critics know someone before criticizing them.

    He must know a hell of a lot of people, Apparently he knows you yet you don’t know him. Very strange indeed.

  3. Meanwhile I notice a fool calling himself “Saber Point” (a friend and admirer of Stonewall Jackson, apparently) is calling for people to dig up dirt on you and email it to him. He plans payback.

    Must be a lot of dirt after a whole 23 years. You WERE kicked out of Albania, right? And Canada? God knows what those countries must have on you.

    Let me know if anyone needs a free mocking. I’m at your disposal.

  4. Is a list of extremist groups on the Right and Left I can refer people to? I know quite a few people that would say any distaste I have for the word “confederate” is because I’m politically correct and want the federal government to completely dominate everything: they would show just enough partiality to this group to give it an unwarranted benefit of the doubt, which is what I suspect created the problems we’re having with extremism now in the first place.
    .-= ashok´s last blog ..Re: Irving Kristol and Partisan Generosity =-.

  5. I’ve been following the blogosphere debate over Robert Stacy McCain’s position on race, and find the evidence a mixed bag.

    There’s stuff that looks bad:
    – George Archibald and Marlene Johnson, who worked with McCain at the Washington Times, went on the record calling him, respectively, “a complete animalistic racist” and “an avowed segregationist” (The Nation, 10/9/06)
    – as a section editor, McCain ran content from
    – he covered American Renaissance’s conferences
    – he offered “warm congratulations” in American Renaissance’s publication for an essay touting white-supremacist Christian theology
    – NY Press columnist Michelangelo Signorile said McCain wrote on Free Republic that it was neither racist nor unnatural to feel “revulsion” at media images of interracial marriage. While McCain has acknowledged being the anonymous freeper BurkeCalhounDabney, he denied writing the words Signorile attributed to him: “I didn’t say that. What I said was people had the right to their own opinions,” he told Alan Colmes. The post itself is not available — all McCain’s posts at Free Republic were deleted after his cover was blown.
    – Although McCain told Colmes he was not a member of the League of the South (LotS), blogger “Stogie” of Saber Point says he and McCain were members.

    But there’s also evidence McCain has opposed bigotry:
    – Stogie brought up McCain’s League of the South membership to tell the story of how the two of them opposed other members with racist attitudes
    – In 1996, newspaper columnist Ralph de la Cruz wrote that McCain had emailed him in response to a column on affirmative action, and had professed to “loathe” David Duke (Long Beach Press-Telegram, 10/7/96).
    – McCain has responded to the recent debate by blogging that he has “never advocated, endorsed or supported” racism
    – I didn’t save the url from Google’s news archive, but I did see a McCain column from the 1990s in which he said no one should suffer from discrimination

    Stogie’s story particularly interested me, and I’ve finally just located an archived version of Dennis Wheeler’s compilation of the listserve debate that took place among LotSers on whether to admit blacks and Jews to the secessionist organization. It turns out that Stogie is Gary Waltrip, a self-described neo-confederate who was even more vocal than McCain in opposing Wheeler’s racist position. Here are the most relevant excerpts:

    Robert Stacy McCain: “I have never understood those black or white who say that the South should necessarily be riven by racial antagonisms.”

    Gary Waltrip: “Sorry for getting hot, but I am sick of BIGOTS trying to take over this movement. You folks must have wandered into the wrong listserve. The Klan meeting is down the hall.”

    Wheeler compiled the email messages into a transcript he called “The Great Southern League Race Debate.” He said he thought it was important for other white supremacists to see how whites like McCain and Waltrip could go soft and adopt a “Libertarian view on race.”

    The following link to the LotS debate transcript is a Google cache of the racist web site where I found this. You can open the snipped url without visiting the hate site itself.

    As I said, the evidence isn’t clear-cut. McCain is an interesting fellow. Archibald has just come out with a memoir, “Journalism is War.” He says there’s a chapter on McCain and the racism issue at the Washington Times. I’m going to buy it.

  6. Perhaps one voted no because one actually preferred a more honestly socialist response, in which the federal government nationalized these banks or their transactions, and thus made voters not just indirect beneficiaries of any money that might be recouped though the recovery of Wall Street banks, but actual owners of the assets in question themselves. ,

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